MAT-KULING RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems)
MAT has started working on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems and aquaculture filtration equipment a decade ago. Since then, many technological improvements as well as fish farming knowledge has led the MAT-KULING RAS to seek for sustainable solutions that provide secure industrial farming on large scale.
We support the sustainable land based aquaculture production and we are ready to cooperate with industry experts and exceed their expectations. All our customer support points, USA, Australia & New Zealand, Scandinavia, State of Qatar, Turkey and United Arab Emirates, have the needed infrastructure and experts to support immediately with aftersales services and parts.
Visit MAT-KULINGNorwegian Innovation in Aquaculture
In 2020, MAT established a new company MAT-KULING AS in Norway, aiming to support locally the Scandinavian fish farming. For us R & D is seen as initiative that we achieve inhouse, with affiliate fish farms and educational institutions around the world.Our philosophy is to share our RAS equipment technology with established fish farm designers and consultants so that modern fish farms can achieve sustainable farming to improve global food security.
The establishment of a local office was mandatory to service properly the growing demand in the Scandinavian region and our current & future aquaculture customers. In its short term strategy, MAT-KULING is aiming to develop a local RAS equipment assembly facility.
Visit MAT-KULING ASImproved water parameters in pre-smolt stage salmon farming
During 2020, our high efficiency freshwater protein skimmers were tested by NIVA and were found to improve significantly the water parameters in pre-smolt stage salmon farming.
This innovation, together with the excellent CAPEX to OPEX ratio of our RAS systems, is what sets MAT-KULING apart from competition.
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